A Reverse Bucket List

Reverse bucket lists are lists of things you don’t have to do which I thought was quite interesting. Inspired by this, I decided to write my own reverse bucket list and my reasons behind each of them:

1. Get a tattoo

I went with my best friend to get her first tattoo and held her hand all the way through it. It looks good but I can’t help but wonder what it’ll be like when she’s a grandmother with wrinkly skin (because aging is inevitable unlike what some seem to be obtuse about). Don’t get me wrong, I like some people’s tattoos but they’re definitely not for me. Sometimes I go crazy doodling possible tats on my arm and wrist but then the obsession fades and that is why I will never get one. It is, after all, a lifetime commitment and I’m the type of person who has phases and keeps changing her mind. It also hurts and my pain threshold isn’t too good so no way will I go near needles voluntarily.

2. Get married and have kids

Speaking of lifetime commitments, I don’t know if marriage and kids is all that it’s cracked up to be. There’s a lot of worrying and diapers and possible chauvinistic husbands who expect you to cook dinner after getting home from work and I most definitely don’t plan on cooking too much. I’m more of the eating type, you see.

3. Eat sushi or beef or anything else I don’t want to. 

A friend of mine keeps pestering me to eat a beef burger knowing all too well that A) I’m a vegetarian and B) It’s against my religion. Most people I’ve come across make faces when I order my food asking, “How can you not eat meat?” like it’s something  utterly unheard of. It’s simple, I just don’t. And I don’t ever have to either.

4. Run a marathon.


Break the Silence- Dead or Alive

If I’d known that night of December 23rd

That it was my last to spend with my old man

I could have said everything, yet I said nothing

Instead of saying ‘I love you’, I said ‘Good night’

And I hope he did have a good night

Because he did not wake up the next morning

And all the words I never said then came to mind

Too late, too little and just too simple

But I’m saying them all right now

Through my writing, through my art

The words bleed through my heart

And I hope wherever you are tonight

In another life or up in the heavens

That you can hear me say ‘I love you’

Because it may be much too late

But by no means  less true


3 Covers that are Better than the Originals

When a song becomes a huge hit, it’s usually a big blaring pop hit that’s upbeat and danceable to as the Top 40 demonstrates most of the time.

While I enjoy those types of songs, what I really look forward to is finding covers of them, excited about what other musicians can do.

The 3 covers I’m suggesting are slower versions of the originals which is perhaps why they are so captivating on their own so here they are:

1. What Makes You Beautiful by the 1975 (originally by One Direction)

I know we’ve all heard the pop version on the radio or at the store, to the point where it became severely overplayed and annoying. If you thought no one would be able to revamp WMYB then think again, because that’s exactly what The 1975 have done with 1D’s hit. Who knew it could sound so beautiful and tragic?

2. Applause by Sam Tsui (originally by Lady Gaga)

Although Lady Gaga’s version is wonderful, it doesn’t compare to Sam Tsui’s cover. It’s haunting, mysterious and sounds like an impending tragedy is about to occur and ironically about applause from the crowd. The use of the violin really makes it stand out.


3. We Found Love by Boyce Avenue (originally by Rihanna)

I don’t really think there is a song that Boyce Avenue couldn’t cover but this by far has to be one of my favourite of theirs.


Enjoy! 🙂

From Introverts With Love

My psychology classmates in college were asked to define introversion as a part of an interactive activity and it did not surprise me when they all grossly mistook it for being antisocial and awkward. Answers ranged from “They don’t have any social skills.” to “They know themselves well.” and only the latter was an accurate description. While I was not surprised, I was a little angry about it, because I’m an introvert myself (no surprise there huh?).

Let’s get something straight right here and right now:










So these supposed proverbs for introverts are just perpetuating misconceptions about introverts:

I’ve always been disappointed with the way the world praises extroverts for being just the way they are but continually push introverts to be something they are not. It’s not a terrible thing to be introverted although there certainly is an unjustly negative connotation surrounding the concept. Yet, we don’t want to change to suit the world around us. We don’t have to.

If you want an accurate picture of who introverts really are then click on this Psychology Today article: 9 Signs You’re Really an Introvert.

Hopefully this should clarify things but alas for the most part…

Day 11: A Song on the Soundtrack of Your Favourite Movie

I’m going to deviate from the actual challenge by posting a song from my favourite scene in a movie instead.

When I went to watch The Amazing Spiderman 2, I was disappointed with its lack of a cohesive story line but my absolute favourite scene in the whole two plus hours of it all, was when Peter would tack things to his wall like photographs, pieces of paper and the works with all that red tape. It was when he was thinking really hard about everything and Gone Gone Gone by Phillip Phillips is playing in the scene and just makes it perfect.

The Magic of Children’s Books

We’ve all got those old kids books in the back of our bookshelves, holding fond memories from our childhood like Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss and many others. Maybe it’s time to dust them off and read them again. It would be the closest thing to having a time machine in your possession, after all!

To read my whole article, click here!