Day 10: Streets

Prompt: Write a poem that employs a rhyme scheme.

There’s details and then there’s beauty. The two are not necessarily intertwined. Inspired by a pretty picture, comes the not so pretty details ensconced in the scene. Maybe that can be beautiful…

Niall Horan’s Instagram


Scuffling shoes, soles petting the pavement

Loose change, to the ground coins skitter

White paint, spilled in lines down a crossing

Foil and crumbs, wrappers gifted below as litter

Foul filth, vomit and spit smeared on the sidewalk

Drunken piss, perfumed scent of the alley

Graffiti, spray paint seeping into brick walls

Scratched lines, a homeless man’s daily tally

Dusty cars, parked lazily in the lot

Chewing gum, cemented like dots of colour

Shops and stores, windows donning ‘closed’ signs

Streets, fluidly weaving into another and another

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