Tag Archives: better call saul

Spin offs just spin out of control

Lately spin offs have been enjoying success on the silver screen and I just have to say that I don’t really care for them. To me, spin offs, attempt to ride along the success of the original show and borrow from its success with the masses. It’s as if the network wants to expand without caring much about quality and that is exactly what I think whenever I hear about a new spin off soon to be aired.

My problem mainly lies in the fact that spin offs are rarely ever as good as the original show and this is mostly because they have large shoes to fill. I enjoyed watching The Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars (both in their earlier seasons) but their spin offs The Originals and Ravenswood are disastrous to say the least. I loved Friends to death but Joey was average at best. I’m not even excited about the possibility of a Harry Potter spin off.

Perhaps the only spin off I might be excited about is Better Call Saul because I refuse to let go of the world of Breaking Bad. I’ve always thought that Breaking Bad benefited from the comedic criminal lawyer without his character’s presence diminishing the seriousness of the show. Now it would be nice to see the balance between comedy and drama on Better Call Saul, centering around Saul Goodman’s life before having met Walter White. I’m just waiting for this one to be aired but sadly I’ll have to do so until 2015!