Tag Archives: poetry challange

Poetry Challenge Day 13- Lilacs in My Lungs

Prompt: Write a poem inspired by a piece of art work.

There’s chrysanthemums

budding between my ribs,

pushing my heart,

as it gives in.

The cage becoming

a soil of sorts,

making it harder to breathe

as I keep running.

Creeping along my veins,

they spread like a vine.

Lilacs in my lungs

and roses up my spine.

Darling you’re suffocating me

with the roots you’ve grown

in my bones.

Watered them, tended

You’ve taken great care

But I need to prune

these wild flowers.

Please grow them elsewhere.

I’m not your garden.

I don’t want to be.

But you’re a gardener.

And now you’re free.

p.s I Illustrated this poem.
