Tag Archives: eva ibbotson

Book a Day (Days 21-25)

Day 21: Summer Read

 Journey to the River Sea is a perfect summer read, with the vivid description of the Amazon and the rain forest. Eva Ibbotson, rest in peace, was a splendid writer who left us with amazing books to read so I’d recommend her other books like The Secret Countess and The Star of Kazan.  In fact, I think they’re all perfect summer reads!


Day 22: Out of print

I don’t know any books out of print and I’m happy for that because it hurts when something you love can’t be found anymore…much like all my favourite food joints closing down 😦

Day 23: Made to Read at School

I think all books are meant to be read in class when you’re bored and your professor can’t help but go on and on and on about something but right now I’m reading Hannah Tinti’s The Good Thief so I’ll go with this one.

Day 24:  Hooked me into reading

I read the DaVinci Code at a very young age of 11 but once I got my hands on it, I would not let it go until I finished it. It’s also the last book I ever got in my home town Ottawa. My mom bought it for me as a surprise at the international airport as we were leaving to move to India. I think it’s safe to say that I was not bored on the journey.

Day 25: Never finished it

Try as I might, I just could not finish reading Lord of the Flies and now it lies in my unfinished pile in the book shelf, where it may perhaps lie forever.
